Articles on: User FAQ

Reporting an issue with Torus

In rare instances, after you've contacted support we may need to see logs from your browser's console to see how it is interacting with Torus.

When facing an error or issue while using one of our products, we'll need your assistance in documenting the error that you're facing.

Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Brave, Opera

To do so, you'll need to right click within your window's browser and inspect the webapp, in the window where you are facing the trouble.

Then click on inspect.

Inspect Website

Then click on console, once you have accessed the console logs, please take a screenshot and send it over to us via this Crisp chat.

Screenshot Console Logs


Before you can access the developer console in Safari, you first need to enable the Developer Menu. To do that, go into Safari's preferences (Safari Menu > Preferences> Advanced Tab)

Once that menu is enabled, you can right-click and press "Inspect element" on the windows where you are facing the trouble.

Click on Console. once you have accessed the console logs, please take a screenshot and send it over to us via this Crisp chat.

iOS - Chrome

Please find the steps to get the console logs for Chrome on iOS

Open a tab in Chrome for iOS with the URL chrome://inspect and turn debugging on by clicking “start logging” button.
It's important not to remove this tab, so open a new tab for or whichever URL you want to log

Here is a short video on the process :

Updated on: 18/05/2022

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